
Colonial Meetinghouses Featured in this Project


  • Langdon, New Hampshire (1801)   (GPS location N43° 10′ 0″, W72° 22′ 44″)

  • Langdon, NH Meetinghouse Name of Meetinghouse:   Langdon Meeting House & Town Hall

    View on a map

    Street Address of Meetinghouse:   5 Walker Hill Road, Langdon, NH
    Year(s) Built:   1801
    National Register of Historic Places Designation:   Pending
    New Hampshire State Register of Historic Places:   July, 2002
    Organization responsible:   Langdon Heritage Commission
    Organization's address:   122 NH Rt. 12A, Langdon, NH 03602
    Organization's web site:   Pending
    Town Information:   Info about Langdon NH
    Tax status:   Municipal Government - tax exempt, non-profit IRS 170 (C)(1)

    Contact:   Carole-Anne Centre, 260 Holden Hill Rd., Langdon, NH 03602
    Telephone:   (603) 835 6229

    This page was last updated on:   March 17, 2009  

    Acknowledgements: The following text has been taken from documents that were prepared for the application to the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance for their Seven to Save awards, and has been used by permission.


    The Langdon Meetinghouse is a 2 story timber-framed building measuring 40 by 50 feet. Construction of the Langdon Meetinghouse was begun in 1801, and was completed in 1803. It has a gabled roof running east-west, a granite foundation set on fieldstone rock, hand-hewn roof trusses, post-and-beam framing, clapboard siding, and a slate roof. Langdon, NH Meetinghouse In its original construction, porches stood at the east and west ends of the building, at lease one of which enclosed an entrance and a set of stairs leading to the galleries, which occupied the east, south, and west walls of the interior. The Langdon Meetinghouse was thus similar to the surviving meetinghouses at nearby Rockingham, Vermont, and Fremont, New Hampshire. Currently, the property reflects the renovations that took place in 1851 (removal of porches, galleries, and box pews, and installation of a second floor and steeple). Beginning in 1851, the first floor was used for town business, and the second floor was used for worship by the Universalist Society Church. The worship space on the second floor remains virtually unchanged from the 1851 renovation.

    Langdon, NH Meetinghouse For over 200 years, Langdon residents have appreciated the role that their Town Hall (the Meetinghouse) has had in their lives. It began as both a place of worship and the seat of town government, and is still used as the center of social and community activities. While it is no longer used for regular worship or as its town hall, Langdon has continuously used its Meetinghouse for town meetings, and claims to hold the record for the most consecutive town meetings in the same building in the state of New Hampshire.

    In 2008, The Langdon Meetinghouse was honored by the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance when it was placed on their Seven to Save list of the most endangered Granite State properties. And in January, 2009, the Langdon Meetinghouse received a Commendation from New Hampshire's Governor, John Lynch.

    Langdon Meetinghouse 118W: Door Detail, Langdon Meetinghouse
    Langdon, NH Meetinghouse